Description (30% off is already applied for limited time, Fee is Non-Refundable ) Best concept application building course in Physics for JEE Adv 2025. Our material (enough for even under 1000 AIR) Note - You can see Course Planner & FAQs PDF inside course ( you need not buy the course to read it) Please read Course Details to avoid any confusion. 1. We shall follow as per course planner (planner pdf inside course, read it) 2. The moment you take the course you get access to all chapters detailed lectures by Mohit Sir. There are +40 Solved examples in each chapter along with theory & derivations. You must do it before trying/doing our Level 2 worksheets 3. For every chapter you will be provided with our top advanced relevant questions sheets (these are not pyqs but hand-picked advanced level questions, subjective questions, more than one correct question) and recorded detailed video solutions of these question (these +700 adv questions are selected from top 20 materials across India). You will get video solutions to every single question provided here. Along with that you also get +6 years Adv PYQs with solution 4. Number of question per chapter depends on chapter weightage & importance. For ex in electrostatics it would be +60 Ques (non pyqs). 5. Live doubt session will occur in application itself. As per pdf planner timings, you will see a pop up to join the live class on that day in application. 6. You will get recordings of all live doubt sessions (in case you you couldn't attend it) so watch it at your own time also 7. Videos will have all features like Playback speed and fast forward 8. Course is valid till 18th May 2025 9. Fees is non-refundable 10. Sharing data & content with others is strictly prohibited 11. Course can be accessed through both Mobile App and Web but once login at a time 12. To use web version, follow these steps mentioned: a. Open link b. Use ORG Code – vsbqz c. Enter mobile number and use OTP received to login d. Once you login at the top you see COURSE, click on that 3. Use chrome browser for web version (windows 10 or above) 4. Remove extensions like dark mode to run videos smoothly on web version 13. Now you can use Eduniti on IOS also. Steps: a. Install Classplus from APP store b. Use org code - vsbqz c. Login using OTP 14. Language - Hinglish